DCMA Disclaimer and Copyright Infringement Notice

At GameVipo, we respect and protect intellectual property rights with absolute seriousness. All trademarks, registered product names, and logos appearing on our website belong to their respective owners. We are committed to complying with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and applicable copyright regulations to protect the works of others.

If you discover that your content has been posted on the website without your consent, please contact us immediately via email [email protected] or g[email protected]. We will review and act promptly to remove or disable access to such content, in strict accordance with the United States Copyright Law, 17 USC §512.

We also emphasize that repeat intellectual property violators may be permanently banned from our platform. Please note that GameVipo.Com’s purpose is to provide a safe, informational platform for the gaming community, with content uploaded for research and educational purposes only, not for educational purposes. commercial purposes.

We understand that creativity and innovation can only develop in an environment where rights are protected fairly. Therefore, we strive tirelessly to ensure that every work is given the respect it deserves.